Approximately 12,850 linear feet of common wooden fences within the neighbourhood was successfully repaired and repainted in summer 2021!

Painting your fence?
Use Cascade Deep Charcoal WeatherOne acrylic latex stain (colour: cas005; product:72304) available through Cloverdale Paints.
were common wooden fences repaired and repainted in 2021 and 2015? Repainting is required every 5-7 years to extend the life of our fences, prevent additional damage and keep our fences strong. Plus a fresh coat of paint helps maintain the polished look of our neighbourhood. TGHA fences were last painted 7 years earlier. Homeowner dues were not increased as a result of this project.
fences were repainted? Common wooden fences within Terwillegar Greens and Terwillegar Gardens were repaired and repainted. Common wooden fences are those facing (i.e., running parallel to and located within 10 feet from) city roads, city sidewalks and city property. This includes fences facing back alleys in Terwillegar Greens but excludes fences facing commercial businesses, non-wooden fences, fences not facing public property and fences set back more than 10 feet from city property.
was the work done? Work began after the snow melted and was completed by early September. This project was successfully completed on time and on budget. To find out more about the project, visit www.facebook.com/terwillegargardens.
were repairs made? Under the direction of the TGHA Board members, minor repairs or replacements were done throughout Terwillegar Greens and Gardens where boards or posts were badly damaged or rotting. Private modifications made by homeowners to their fences (such as an addition of a gate) were not upgraded.
benefits from this project? Everyone who is a member of the TGHA and living in Terwillegar Gardens and Terwillegar Greens benefits. The greatest benefits were enjoyed by homeowners who have a common wooden fence on or next to their property. Because this project included those fences running parallel to and within 10 feet of city back alleys, Terwillegar Greens homeowners witnessed a tremendous improvement. Here is a map highlighting fences included (yellow) or excluded (orange) from the project.
did this impact me? Not only did this project extend the length of life of the common wooden fences and improve esthetics throughout our neighbourhood, this project also helped protect your investment and preserve property values. If you would like to paint fences on your property, please feel free to contact any painting company. TGHA contracted Michael Dawood of Dawood Painting ((780) 238-8448) in 2015 and 2021.